Friday, September 28, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Peace 28/9

"Peace comes from creating peacefulness in our own minds. Wisdom and skilfulness in action are not bestowed upon us. We need to work to obtain them." - Robert Sachs

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

智慧法语 - 处理痛苦 26/9

"我们要学习如何处理自己的痛苦, 才不会让它四处扩散。" - 一行禅师

Monday, September 24, 2007

智慧法语 - 放下得失 24/9

就得豁达清明。" - 圣严法师

Friday, September 21, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Changes is the Basis of Life 21/9

"The work of acknowledging everything in mindfulness leads us to a deeper view of what life is.
It is very important to understand that impermanence is not a negative aspect of life. Impermanence is the very basis of life. If what exists were not impermanent, no life could continue. If a grain of corn were not impermanent, it could not become a corn plant. If a tiny child were not impermanent, she could not grow into an adult.

Life is impermanent, but that does not mean it it not worth living. It is precisely because of its impermanece that we value life so dearly. Therefore we must know how to live each moment deeply and use it in a responsible way. If we are able to live the present moment completely, we will not feel regret later. We will know how to care for those who are close to us and know how to bring them happiness. When we accept that all things are impermanent, we will not be incapacitated by suffering when things decay and die. We can remain peaceful and content in the face of change, prosperity and decline, success and failure." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Words of Wisdom - One Precept One Vow 19/9

"If there is but one great precept,
it is to harm none - in any way.
If there is but one great vow,
it is to help all - in every way. - Stonepeace

Monday, September 17, 2007

智慧法语 - 尽人事, 听天命 17/9

“尽人事, 听天命” , 不再刻意期待,不再执取有无 - 邱常梵

Friday, September 14, 2007

智慧法语 - 起落 14/9

就算难事,也会轻而易举。" - 圣严法师

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Speaking/Listening 13/9

"When you speak, you tell the deepest kind of truth, using loving speech, the kind of speech the other person can understand and accept. While listening, you know that your listening must be of a good quality to relieve the other person of his suffering." - Teachings on Love (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Form/Emptiness 12/9

"Are all forms symbols of emptiness? Is emptiness symbolised by forms?
Form IS emptiness; emptiness IS form.
Form is NOT different from emptiness; emptiness is NOT different from form." -
Heart Sutra

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Changes/Memorial 11/9

"Because everything changes from moment to moment, we can only treasure everything in this moment.
Because everything changes from moment to moment, we should not be attached to anything in this moment." - Stonepeace

Special dedication to the family members of all victims of 11 Sept 2001 tragedy. If they are still suffering from the pain of losing their loved ones, may these sufferings be diminished and transformed into realisation of impermanence in life. - Bodhiheartstrings

Not forgetting...Happy 74th Birthday to DADDY! May you be well and healthy!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Happiness 10/9

"Worldly happiness is conditioned by countless things.Spiritual happiness is conditioned by not a thing."

Friday, September 7, 2007

智慧法语 - 宽广无限 7/9

"让心拥有更多空间, 就像天空容纳着白云,乌云一般。。
接纳,生命中一切的, 美好的, 不好的, 愉快的,不愉快的事物,视每一个遭遇的发生都是上天最好的安排,眼前世界自然会无限地宽广。。" - 邱常梵

Thursday, September 6, 2007

智慧法语 - 放下 6/9

"人如果能够真正放下一切,也就能够包容一切,也就能拥有一切。" - 圣严法师

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

智慧法语 - 挫折 5/9

"很欢喜地一个挫折一个挫折走下去,挫折就不是挫折,而是一种成就,也是自我成长的轨迹" - 圣严法师

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Grudges 4/9

"People change. Maybe grudges should change too - by being generous, by dissolving them into nothingness."

Monday, September 3, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Fault 3/9

"Even if you 'prove' the whole world to be at fault, it doesn't make you any happier.
Even If Others are at Fault, Your Unhappiness is Your Fault" - Shen Shi'an