Thursday, November 29, 2007

Words of Wisdom 29/11 : Peace of Mind

" A peace of mind is the greatest blessing we can enjoy in this world."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Words of Wisdom 27/11 : Materialism

"Instead of getting everything you want, get only what you need - with not a thing more or less.
The line separating materialism and spiritualism is also a murky one. What makes the material spiritual is when it aids the increase of spirituality. "

Friday, November 23, 2007

Joke of the day 23/11 : Corporate World

Two guys were hiking through the jungle when they spotted a tiger that
looked both hungry and fast. One of the guys
reached into his pack and pulled out a pair of Nike.
His friend looked at him 'Do you really think those shoes are going to make
you run faster than that tiger?'
I don't have to run faster than that tiger, his friend replied. 'I just
have to run faster than you'.
Welcome to the corporate world!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

心语分享 19/11 :学佛态度

那天听法师说了一个关於学佛态度的比喻, 觉得很有趣。
你永远抓不着, 只能耐心的等待羽毛缓缓飘落在手中。

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

照片分享 12/11:祈祷 Pray

昨天在光明山, 看见这位女生,虔诚地跪在观音菩萨前,闭着眼睛,若有所求。她跪了好一阵子,我拿起了相机,随意地拍下了这一幕。回到家,下载照片时,想起了她当时的神情, 有点感触。人生总有许许多多不如意,在最无助的时候,总是期待菩萨的加持。不管她是谁, 希望菩萨保佑她。。。

Friday, November 9, 2007

Words of Wisdom -Think Twice, Act Wise 9/11

"Don’t make promises when you are in joy.
Don’t reply when you are sad.
Don’t take decisions when you are angry.
Think Twice…Act Wise." – Pravs J

Monday, November 5, 2007

故事一则 5/11 - 八风吹不动 ,一屁打过江



禅师看了诗,保持卢笔批了两个字,就叫书童带回去。 苏轼以为禅师一定会赞赏自己修行参禅的境界,急忙打开禅师的批示,一看,只见上面只有两个字:放屁! 苏轼气坏了,乘船过江找禅师理论。 没想到佛印禅师早站在江边等待了。
苏轼气呼呼地说:“禅师!我一直拿你当好朋友。我的修行,你不赞赏也就罢了,怎可骂人呢?” 禅师若无其事地说:“骂你什么呀?” 苏东坡把诗上批的“放屁”两字拿给禅师看。 禅师哈哈大笑:“哦!你不是说自己‘八风吹不动’吗?怎么‘一屁打过江’了呢?”


~在静坐中得定,确实不容易。但要在生活上时时保持在定境中, 更是难上加难! - 佩仪

Friday, November 2, 2007

Words of Wisdom - Right Speech 2/11

No need to think of Right Speech being too difficult...
Just don't -
speak lies,
speak harshly,
speak the useless
or speak to divide.
Just do the opposite -
speak truthfully,
speak gently,
speak the helpful
and speak to harmonise. - by Shian